Test Cases For Check Box and Radio button
Test Case to test Check Box:-
1. Click the check box Control and press the submit button and test whether it is redirecting to next page .
2. Uncheck the Check box Control and press the submit button and test whether it is redirecting to next page
3. Check the alignment of the check box i.e. its size, color, style.
4. Check the alignment of the label for the check box i.e. whether it can be left or right
5. Check and Uncheck the check box control and test whether it is automatically redirecting to the server or not if the submit button is not present
Test Case to test Radio button:-
1. If the Radio button control is present in group then check one of the radio button and press submit button to check whether it is redirecting to next page or not
2. Check multiple radio button control at a time and press the submit button and test whether its redirecting .An error message must be displayed i.e. you cannot check multiple radio buttons at the same time.
3. Check the alignment of all the radio button control i.e. whether they are in same directions (Left or right).All the radio button control must be in same directions
4. Check the alignment of the check box i.e. same size,color,style
5. Check whether radio button control could be checked or unchecked through Tab key or with the help of mouse cursor(GUI Testing
Dear swetha,am vijay from b-lore,i want to know using selenium how to write code for verify a set of fibonacci series written in web application against a text field.
ReplyDeleteEx:A form has a text field which accepts number and down to that it has fibonacci series upto 0,0,1..8.It must verify upto 8 numbers and if more must give me error.
more testcases can be found at: