5 October 2012

Test cases for LogIn window

Test cases for sample Login Form 

The basic objective of writing test cases is to validate the testing coverage of the application. Well written test cases can make the testing cycle smooth and efficient. A good test case is easy to determine if a feature of an application is working correctly.

  • Verify the following text fields in the Loginscreen-Username,Password.
  • Verify the following Buttons in Login screen-Login,Reset.
  • Verify the mandatory fields in Login screen.(without entering data in the text fields)
  • User Name and Password field are appearing in proper position In the page or not.
  • User name and password fields are having same font, proper look up feeling or not.
  • User name and password field are properly aligned.
  • Check the spellings are proper are not.
  • Button fields are active and doing desired work or not.
  • Verify the validation message when trying to login by leaving any username and password fields.
  • Verify the validation message shown when trying to login by leaving username field.
  • Verify the validation message shown when trying to login by leaving password field.
  • Verify the error message after logging when wrong User name using.
  • Verify the error message after logging when wrong Password using.
  • Verify the error message after logging when wrong User name and Password using.
  • Verify the error message after logging when long username , that exceeds the limit of characters using.
  • Verify the error message after logging when long Password ,that exceeds the limit of characters using.
  • Try copy/paste in the password text box.
  • Verify if user is able to login to Application when using correct credentials.
  • Verify the functionality of RESET button.
  • verify the look and feel of Login Screen.
  • After successfull sign-out, try "Back" option from your browser. Check whether it gets you to the "signed-in" page.

Test Case Document for LogIn Form:


Project Name: Website Name Page Name: LogIn Screen

Module Name: Name of the module User: End User

Author: Swetha Execution Date:

Requirement id Test Case Id Pre-Requisite Description/Test Status Expected Value Test Data Actual Value Result Build No Priority
R01 TC-01 Loginscreen Verify the following text fields in the Loginscreen-Username,Password. User name and password must be available NA

R01 TC-02 Loginscreen Verify the following Buttons in Login screen-Login,Reset. Login and reset buttons must be available NA

R01 TC-03 Loginscreen Verify the mandatory fields in Login screen. Username and Password fields must be mandatory NA

R01 TC-04 Loginscreen User Name and Password field are appearing in proper position In the page or not. Username and password field must be appearing in proper position NA

R01 TC-05 Loginscreen User name and password fields are having same font, proper look up feeling or not. Username and password fields must have same font NA

R01 TC-06 Loginscreen User name and password field are properly aligned. Username and password fields must be properly aligned NA

R01 TC-07 Loginscreen Check the spellings are proper are not. Spellings must be correct NA

R01 TC-08 Loginscreen Button fields are active and doing desired work or not. Button fields must be enable NA

R01 TC-09 Username and password Verify the validation message when trying to login by leaving any username and password fields. Error message must be " EnterUser name and Passwords " NA

R01 TC-10 Password Verify the validation message shown when trying to login by leaving username field. Error message must be "Enter Username " Password:test

R01 TC-11 Login button Verify the validation message shown when trying to login by leaving password field. Error message must be "Enter Password" Username:swetha

R01 TC-12 User Name Verify the error message after logging when wrong User name using. Error message must be " Username and password are wrong " Username:swathi

R01 TC-13 Password Verify the error message after logging when wrong Password using. Error message must be " Username and password are wrong " password:test12

R01 TC-14 Username,password Verify the error message after logging when wrong User name and Password using. Error message must be " Username and password are wrong " Username:swathi,

R01 TC-15 Username Verify the error message after logging when long username , that exceeds the limit of characters using. Error message must be " Username and password are wrong " Username:

R01 TC-16 Passwod Verify the error message after logging when long Password ,that exceeds the limit of characters using. Error message must be " Username and password are wrong " Password:

R01 TC-17 Password field Try copy/paste in the password text box. Error message must be " wrong password " password:test

R01 TC-18 Login button Verify if user is able to login to Application when using correct credentials. Must display the appropriate page Username:swetha

R01 TC-19 Reset button Verify the functionality of RESET button. Must reset the text in user name and password fields NA

R01 TC-20 Login screen verify the look and feel of Login Screen. Log in screen must be good to look NA

R01 TC-21 Login button After successfull sign-out, try "Back" option from your browser. Check whether it gets you to the "signed-in" page. Must display login screen NA





  1. Hi swetha, your example for test case is really helpful. can u pl. upload one more example. I am trying to learn manual testing. if possible, can u give me details of test strategies.
    Thanks in advance,

  2. Swetha, Thanks for providing this material. I am a Fresher in Testing and I feel it's a Great post for Me, keep on posting the Good materials so others gets benifited..
    Thanks once again.. GOD BLESS

  3. Hi Swetha,iam new to testing tool.can u suggest me how to learn testing tools.
